Hansen 13 watt TMB Tremolo guitar amplifier.

I've tried before. to make a push-pull amplifier with ECL86 tube. It was a failure and ended up being an AC-15 type. It turned out to be the power supply that did not work, the old cilisium rectifier and the old smoothing capacitor could not provide stable voltage. With a new rectifier and capacitor came to play just fine. The Forum 18watt.com, I was made ​​aware of the Marshall 1930 Popular amplifier. It was equipped with 2 pcs. ECL86 tube. As described elsewhere, this amplifier is made and sounds as expected.

I'll try to make an amplifier with two ECL86 in the output stage, and with Tremolo, Bass, Middle and Treble control in the preamp.

I have drawn the following diagram.

I have drawn the following layout for power supply and amplifier.

All components are found and ready for installation.

2 ps. ECL86 1 ps. ECC83 og 1 ps. ECC82.

Turret board finished.

Front panel and chassis ready for hole drilling.

The amplifier is mounted in the chassis.

The added electrolyte capacitor which is disposed at the side of the transformer is taken as a filter for a weak, yet still irritating hum.

One of the output tubes and rectification and smoothing.

It has been a very low noise amplifier. There with the selected tube with the low gain, plays with very little distortion and yet high enough for home use. As shown in the the pre-amplifier is all signal carrying wires made ​​shielded.

I chose 2 "Jensen" C12Q 12 "speakers for the amplifier.

The amplifier is mounted in one of my standard cabinets.

I have made the following little video with an audio clip.

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